Construction Update May 24th, 2016
The project is making good progress again. The concrete work last week went without a hitch and they did a great job. The floors were being prepped and grinded in the west end and isolation. The rubber flooring was being rolled out to go into place. They did find a small issue with the rolled product, which shouldn’t be a major problem, but we will have more information tomorrow (if there is going to be an issue with the floor, it’s going to happen). The HVAC system upstairs should be fully installed today and the wall separating the heating/cooling systems from the rest of storage. The siding is done on the entry and isolation. Sheet metal work should be starting tomorrow and hopefully painting the week after that. We planted a few more plants and are going to be adding many more. We are looking at turf options for the isolation walking area and will hopefully have that installed soon. Once the floors are resolved and complete is when everything should be really moving towards the finish line. Without further ado, the pictures arrive. The anticipated move in date is still June 21st.
Japanese Maple and Azalia (Mother’s Day present!)
Entry viewed from isolation
Stucco patching
HVAC ducting
Wall with Doorway/HVAC
Wall and HVAC
Siding on Isolation
Siding on Isolation Ward
Crab Apple Tree
Entry with Siding and Stonework
Stonework by Entry
Sprinkler Controls
Concrete Pour
Reception Concrete Pour
Concrete Pour
Concrete Pour
Concrete Pour
Concrete Pour
Concrete Pourback
Wall/HVAC Installation
Concrete Pour Back
Wall installation/Storage HVAC